Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Our Location
100 Mainstreet Center, Sydney
Customer Service
+208 333 9296

Commercial and Corporate Law

ROSA Law Firm provides legal consultancy to local and foreign companies in different fields such as contracts, corporate structuring, corporate governance, tenders, intellectual and industrial property rights, capital market legislation, unfair competition preventation, consumer legislation, sectoral regulations and permits.

It provides a full range of legal services for company establishment, winding up, merger/takeover, type change, company dissolution, shareholding, preparation of company articles of association, holding company general assembly meetings, financial management, leaving a company strategies, stocks, bonds, capital increases/reductions, legal due diligence reporting ( Due Diligence) and opening and managing bank accounts. In addition, necessary procedures regarding official permits, licenses and authorizations are carried out within the scope of our legal services.

ROSA Law Firm responds to the legal protection and commercial earning concerns of its clients.